Book Cruise Tickets Havelock and Neil Island

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green ocean nautika makruzz sealink

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Scuba and Kayaking Offer

How to Book?


Search ferry and select seat of your choice


Order tickets by just paying Rs. 200/- only


Receive confirmed tickets within 3-4 working hours


Pay balance amount within next 12 hours

Call Us: +91 9679555595 / 8001500075

Why book with us?

  1. 1 Get Confirmed Tickets After the full Payment.
  2. 2 The Easiest Way to book a ferry of Andaman
  3. 4 We're always here to help you with whatever you need.
  4. 5 We guarantee that your money is safe with us.
  5. 6 A payment Process is very easy & Quick Way.

Frequently Asked Questions!

Who we are?

Expedition Holidays is a travel management company based in Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar. We offer customized tour and travel packages for Port Blair, Neil, Havelock etc. We arrange each tour package based on the choice and budget of our guests. We are oldest travels agency in Andaman our teams are young and energetic team. For your quick response.

Book Your Andaman Ferry Tickets

Now you can easily book Makruzz, Nautika, ITT and AASHI from our portal with just few clicks. Expedition Holidays, as a reputed ferry booking provider, gives you the tickets at the DISCOUNTED PRICE that comes with an all time call support

How much do I need to pay to confirm the tickets?

You will have to make payment of Rs200 to us for booking the tickets and remaining can be done later after receiving the ferry tickets. Please note that if you fail to pay the remaining amount within 24 hours, we will cancel your booking.

What is the refund policy?

If we don’t find the seats available on that date & you don't need to next other date, we will refund 100% of the amount paid within 1-2 hours. If after delivery of confirmed ferry tickets, the cancellation request is placed, then there will be a cancellation charges of Rs. 250/- per ticket.

What support will I get after booking ferry tickets from Expedition Holidays?

When you book through Expedition Holidays, you’ll get our personal touch. We’ll reach out to you by email and chat when you need to ask questions about your trip or make any changes which no Cruise or Travel operator does. Our customer service representatives are ready to help get you started, track your trip details and solve any problems that may arise during your trip.

How much it takes to reach Havelock Island from Port Blair?

The journey from Port Blair to Havelock Island takes 1.5 hours to 2 hours, but different cruises travel at different speeds. The Nautika will reach Havelock in 1 hour 30 minutes, the Makruzz will take 1 hour 45 minutes and the ITT will arrive in 1 hour 45 minutes. The AASHI will take 2 hours to reach Havelock.

How do I reach Havelock Island from Port Blair?

Three ferries are operated between Port Blair and Havelock on a daily basis.The government operated ferry is the cheapest among all the ferries. The other ferry operated are faster and a little more expensive. Travellers can choose between the slower, cheaper government ferry and the faster, more expensive new catamaran depending on their arrival time in Port Blair. During peak season getting tickets on the ferry can be very hard and it is suggested to book your ticket in advance.